Homewear | Bedroom | Mirrored Furniture

Hi Loves!

Am I the only one currently obsessing over anything mirrored?! I am absolutely L O V I N G them. Well some of you might say 'Oh no, that would be a fingerprint magnet' or 'Aint nobody got time to be cleaning that every time someone touches it'.. Well y'all.. Who cares if It might take that extra 5 minutes to spritz and wipe.. I'm all in for it if it makes my room look pretty! 

Anyyyyyway.. So I've been on the hunt getting inspiration for our next bedroom and been seeing these all over the internet. They surely add that touch of glam and style. I had a quick search and browse looking for prices and was left with my mouth wiiiideee open when I stumbled across prices ranging from €630/$700 and up.. If I needed two of these for our bedroom that would be a hefty €1,260/$1,400 which I'm sure no one in their right mind would spend money on.

 I didn't give up and YES I have found many for a fraction of that price and created a little collage with my personal favorites to share with you all. 

Top Left Row Left to Right

Bottom Row Left to Right 

Anyone else loving this glamorous mirrored furniture? If you'd like me to do another post on other types of furniture in this flawless mirrored style, there is more where this came from!

With Love Sarah Belle